The Artifactory is a not-for-profit shared workspace and community that’s run entirely by volunteers
Our Constitution governs how the organisation operates, everything
flows down from this document. The full document can be found by
searching Constitution
on the wiki.
Each year a Management Committee is elected from our members. The Committee sets the overall direction of the organisation for the year and makes the practical day to day decisions that keep the space running. (Constitution Part 5)
When disputes arise in the space you’re able to make use of our dispute resolution process. (Constitution Part 4)
The Management Committee sets out the day to day operation of the
space through the use of by-laws. The full text can be found by
searching By-laws
on the wiki.
Our code of conduct is the guiding document for your actions in the space. You can find it:
Code of Conduct
The following blue slides will go through a condensed version of the code as it applies to you.
Treat one another with respect
The Artifactory attendees come from a diverse variety of backgrounds. That diversity enriches our community and so we must work to ensure all members feel welcome and safe. Sexual harassment, bullying or discrimination will not be tolerated - both in person and online. Any behaviours that make attendees feel uncomfortable or unsafe are unacceptable and action will be taken to ensure a safe environment for all attendees.
Sometimes disagreements can be frustrating but that is no excuse for poor behaviour or poor manners. Disagreement, debate and constructive criticism can help develop ideas but it should never cross into personal attacks.
Many Artifactory attendees offer training, help and advice to members and visitors. We should be mindful that these people are volunteers and so must be treated with respect and allowed time to work on their own projects if they so wish. The best way to say thank you to our volunteers is by:
Our workshop is a shared space with an abundance of communal work areas and tools. Leave the space clean and tidy for other attendees so that volunteers don’t have to spend time cleaning up after you.
The safety of every member is very important
Do not use tools while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other inhibiting substances.
Always be honest
Report any damage to tools including mistakes you make. It happens, we have all been there! If you come across damaged tools or low consumables, likewise report it.
Respect the ownership of tools and materials. Do not remove Artifactory equipment from the premises. Ensure you have permission before using tools or material owned by our members.
We have processes in place to ensure confidentiality of reported incidents.
All incidents are handled on a case-by-case basis. Depending on the incident, the response may include:
Your membership dues are not paid automatically. Our preferred method of payment is via a scheduled bank transfer, on the monthly date of joining. (Bank details are on your membership invoices)
Some of our tools have usage fees attached. (Covered during the induction for the tools in question)
Please use the bank account rather than the EFTPOS when paying for tool usage. This helps us keep track of how much each tool is used.
It’s your responsibility to update this information in TidyHQ when it changes.
TidyHQ is the system where you signed up as a member.
We operate on a month-to-month basis which means there’s no penalty for deciding you’d like to cancel or pause your membership. If you want to do either of these please let us know rather than just disappearing. Remember it’s always a volunteer following up on overdue invoices.
Most things are reported/requested via a form system built into Slack. Further slides will just list the form name.
Reporting injuries and near misses helps us change our facilities and processes to prevent future incidents.
Form: Injury/Near Miss Report
The workshop only works if people are held accountable for leaving the workshop a mess.
Form: Workshop Cleanliness and Tool Damage
The what, where, when, and how of leaving things in the space
Members can request a personal storage locker (subject to availability)
Form: Request a locker
You can store sheets of material opposite the laser scrap and outside the machine room in the racks. Check the signs on each rack for:
If you need to leave a project in the workspace (paint drying etc)
As a new member, your access to the space will initially be limited to the events on our calendar.
You may also be able to arrange with a key-holding member to attend the space with you, but there’s no guarantee that a member will be available at any particular time and these arrangements should not be relied upon.
Members who meet our requirements may apply for a 24/7 electronic key. The key requirements are fairly strict but aren’t burdensome:
Form: Apply for a key
Tools and equipment are split into three categories:
You can self assess your competency on these tools and use them if you feel comfortable. Feel free to have a go and if you’re not sure you can always ask for help. Even though these tools are low risk you should still be vigilant about safety.
These tools can easily hurt you, others, or the tool. To use these tools you must either complete a short induction with one of our authorised trainers or demonstrate to them that you can use this tool safely.
These tools can cause serious injury, are easy to damage, or both. An induction is required before using these tools. You must go through the Artifactory’s training on high risk tools, even if you have used similar (or identical) tools elsewhere.
Most of our tools will include a coloured dot indicating their category. A full list of our tools can also be found here:
Take a look in #training_and_inductions on Slack and put your hand up for an applicable induction slot
Search for Training Tracker on Slack
(Added 2024-08-10)
You may need refresher training if -
We’ll let you know if you need refresher training.
For other areas of the space check with another member before you start using supplies. Many supplies belong to individual members.
If you find you are using a lot of a communal supply (super glue, turpentine, masking tape, wood screws…), or you have used up the last of something, you should buy more for the space. The supplies you used were also donated by other members.
Slack is the number one point of contact for anything and everything Artifactory.
If you would like to be trained on a certain machine, report a fault with the equipment, or even need input and advice for your current project there will usually be a specific channel for your question. If you’re not sure ask in #general.
Upcoming events can be found on our public calendar. You can add this calendar to your phone if you like. (Events link in the navbar of the main site)
Your Member Work directory can be accessed in a few different ways:
Pictures shared in #it_photo-stream
on Slack will be
saved for our Social Media team. Please share pictures of things you’ve
made in the space.
Social Media
You can find us on: